Friday 2 March 2007

1 of 12......

Now, seriously after the whole 12 songs post I have been doing a little song writing. I have managed to get two verses out with a few additional twinkly bits that I have stored up top. I have scanned the lyrics and done a crude recording using audacity and a webcam - have a listen and let me know what you think. Once again lyrics , choruses and obscenities are completely welcome ;)


Anonymous said...

Got a list of chords?

Anonymous said...

Ne'er mind, I got it! Bm, Bm7, A and E?

Unknown said...

Takes me back a few years, when all I heard was you constantly playing your guitar and singing, happy days, it's good to remember there were a lot of those then and now we are all making more happy days and you are still making music, well I am allowed to be biased aren't I !!! miss you xxxx

ManInOz said...

Near as damn it mate, my guitar is probably tuned a bit low!

I was playing :

Dm (bar am shape)
Dm7 (bar am7 shape)
C(Bar - a shape)
G (Open)

ManInOz said...

Thanks mum - always nice to hear!

Ann said...

Needs more rude bits and where better to get them than from your friendly local priest!
