Saturday 3 March 2007

Got me a bike!!! Woohoo - A Yamaha DT175

What made me curious is that the bike is a 2000 model, with only 607 Km on the clock. Makes you think bargain!!!

However what all the dealers say is that the odometer cannot be verified, makes you wonder what is the bloody point of them - "How stupid! Why? Why would you do that?" etc etc.

Once I had rid myself of that little internal rant, I discovered that the bike is actually pretty decent - was going for 1200, which i managed to get down a little to 1080, all helps!

I also purchased some new accessories - which aren't tremendously sexy but will make sure i'm safe. For example the trousers with the kevlar ass lining lol - apparently the advert has a guy being dragged round on his ass to prove they're safe! To see that click here

All in all the cost came to 1600 gbp - not bad I dont reckon!! :) I'm happy! And best of all its blue - you're with me on that one Father J right?

Friday 2 March 2007

1 of 12......

Now, seriously after the whole 12 songs post I have been doing a little song writing. I have managed to get two verses out with a few additional twinkly bits that I have stored up top. I have scanned the lyrics and done a crude recording using audacity and a webcam - have a listen and let me know what you think. Once again lyrics , choruses and obscenities are completely welcome ;)