Friday 16 January 2009

Long time no vent...

I think it's fair to say that when you get to a certain age, you like to feel that you can take what life throws at you on the chin. No need to hassle the folks, siblings or friends because your old now you and should be able to deal with it, right? That's what I keep telling myself and to a certain extent I think that's what people expect.

Sometimes it would be nice to be care free again and let somebody else be the bearer of all responsibility and concern, but until they invent age-reversal technology or I get Senile Dementia I get i'm stuck with where I'm at.

It's fair to say that I feel pretty guilty to be wallowing in self-pity when there have been others who have been going through such a hard time, it makes my life look like sunshine and lollipops. Truth is that sometimes you just get pissed off with life and that's that.

Nothing to be concerned with, just putting it in black and white might just help me let of a bit off steam. Thanks for listening blogger, you dont ask questions you just sit back and take it! I wont draw and parallels with George Micheal there, although it is pretty tempting.

Happy Friday Night!

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